Glenwood, AL – Pursuit invites viewers to tune-in to Pursuit Channel and Pursuit UP to catch
all the great content available from some of the most popular shows and personalities in the
As hunting seasons are in full swing across the country, adventure abounds each and every night
of the week with Pursuit’s dual platforms offering viewers easy access to catch their favorite
For Pursuit Channel, primetime highlights include the likes of Canadian Whitetail and Red
Arrow leading the charge on Monday nights; Texas Strong Outdoors and Yamaha’s Whitetail
Diaries in the popular Tuesday night lineup; MOJO Untamed and Blue Collar Adventures
anchoring the Wednesday night block; The High Road with Keith Warren and Wallhanger TV
are can’t miss series on Thursday nights; Doug Koenig’s Championship Season and a new show
to Pursuit, Target Rich Environment are Friday night fan favorites; Saturday nights include the
ever popular shows Pursue the Wild with Kristy Titus, and Higdon Outdoors, with the Deer &
Deer Hunting Saturday Night Deer Camp two-hour block closing out the night. Each broadcast
week comes to an awesome close on Sunday nights with Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild and On
the Road Outdoors leading off the primetime block.
Pursuit UP’s ever-growing viewership is gobbling up great programs every night of the week
with programs like The American Way and Legends of the Outdoors on Monday nights;
Whitetail Frenzy and Swarovski Optik Quests on Tuesday nights; Popular programs like Team
200 and Scott Martin Challenge on Wednesday nights; Gunwerks Long Range Pursuit and
Surviving Mann keeping the viewers tuned in on Thursday nights; Friday nights offer the
popular and long-running McWhorter’s Precision Hunting TV and Cabela’s Deer Gear TV
programs; Saturday primetime includes Americana Outdoors Presented by Garmin, and a great
show from our good friends with Open Season TV. Wrapping up the primetime nights each
week on Sunday’s, viewers can catch Canadian Whitetail, Modern Hunter, and Deer & Deer
Hunting TV.
“We absolutely love this time of year here at Pursuit,” said Rusty Faulk, Founder and CEO of
Pursuit Media. “Hunting seasons are in full swing across the country and the viewers are tuning
in to catch all their favorite programs each week on Pursuit. We are very blessed to have so
many great shows and these are just a few that really drive our viewership. We’re also beyond
blessed with the amount of content being consumed on our streaming and VOD platforms with
Pursuit UP. We’ve made it incredibly easy for folks around the country to tune in with our two
platforms and it’s showing up in our viewership growth across the board. We hope everyone has
a safe and successful hunting season and thanks so much to all our partners and viewers for all
the support.”
Check your local listings for full schedules and times for Pursuit and Pursuit UP programming
Contact us to today to learn how we can help your business! #wearepursuit
Pursuit Programs Available This Quarter Include: Americana Outdoors presented by
Garmin, Yamaha’s Whitetail Diaries, Cabela’s Deer Gear TV, Dean Partridge’s Canadian
Whitetail, The American Way TV with Tony and Angie Walker, Carnivore, On The Road
Outdoors, Montevallo’s Outdoor Scholars TV, Texas Strong Outdoors, Target Rich
Environment, Pursue The Wild with Kristy Titus, Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild, Hang Time
with Dave McElroy, Surviving Mann, Legendary Trails, Swarovski Optik Quests, The Scott
Martin Challenge, Bear Whisperer, Gus Congemi’s Live The Wildlife, Lindner’s Angling Edge,
Whitetail Frenzy, On the Water with Hank Parker, Red Arrow, The High Road with Keith
Warren, Wallhanger TV, The Way it Was TV, Timmy Horton Outdoors, MOJO Untamed,
Bassquatch Hunter TV, Open Season, Just Kill’n Time TV, Higdon Outdoors TV, The Direction,
Team 200, Doug Koenig’s Championship Season, Blue Collar Adventures, Carolina All Out,
Shoot Straight TV, Sport Fishing Television, Mark Peterson’s The Journey Within, Skeeter Bass
Champs, North American Trapper, Jimmy Houston Outdoors, Deer & Deer Hunting TV, Modern
Hunter, Ultimate Outdoors with Wayne Pearson, Trigger Time TV, McWhorter Rifles’ Precision
Hunting TV, Deer & Deer Hunting Properties, Gunwerks Long Range Pursuit, Hunting with
HECS, Trailing the Hunter’s Moon, and many more.
About Pursuit: With majority ownership by The Bordelon Group, Pursuit Media TV, LLC, is
the industry leader covering more homes than any other outdoor channel. In total home and user
delivery, has its linear feed Pursuit Channel, active nationally to 26+ million homes via
DIRECTV, AT&T U-verse HD, DIRECTV Stream, DISH Network, Sling TV HD, Comcast
Xfinity, Frndly TV, Fios by Verizon HD, Cox Communication HD and the National Cable
Television Cooperative (NCTC). PursuitUP, is active to 100+ million users through Samsung’s
TV Plus, Sinclair’s STIRR, Xumo Play, Glewed TV, Vidgo, FreeCast, Sling FreeStream, Kloud
TV, MediaCom, NOW TV, Select TV, TCL Smart TVs, Plex, and many more. Additionally,
PursuitUP’s VOD library is readily available online to anyone at, or by
downloading the PursuitUP app available on most devices.
Media Contact:
Pursuit Media TV, LLC – 334.544.0701 – [email protected]